Category Archives: Climate Alarmism

Reliable Electric Energy Is Being Threatened By EPA And The States.

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Media Misleads by Calling Hillary the First Storm to Come Ashore in 80 years.

The mainstream media said Hurricane Hillary was the first storm to land in Southern California in 80 years.  Well, the Wall Street Journal provided a chart showing that 6 other named storms have come ashore in Southern California in the past 80 years. 

And the media has claimed that Hillary is proof of Climate Change, meaning that the globe Is warming because of the use of fossil fuels.   But, but,  but, the 6 previous ones happened in the last century. How do they explain that?  Easy, they ignore it. The Church of Global Warming does not care about facts.

 Its function is to generate fear.


If 2035 Car Sales are 100% EV, 83% of All Cars on the Road Will Still be Gasoline or Diesel Fueled.

President Biden has called for 50% of all new car and light truck sales be Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) by 2030. Even more draconian laws from States like California say:

“…….. all new cars sold in the state by 2035 be free of greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide”. 

That means no gasoline vehicle sales can be made in California after 2035.

What is the outcome of these proposals that only allow ZEV to be made? The Fuels Institute, a proponent of the man-made global warming, posted “Reducing carbon emissions effectively-now and tomorrow” has the answer.   The charts premise is that of California’s pathway, meaning 100% of new car sales are ZEVs and no new fossil fuel powered cars can be sold.

As the chart shows, in a hypothetical scenario in which all U.S. light duty vehicle sales are required to be ZEV in 2035, the market would likely only convert 16.5% of vehicles in operation to ZEV by that time. This would leave 83.5% of vehicles in 2035 still operating primarily on liquid fuels used in combustion engines with a potential life expectancy of longer than 20 years. This means that BEVs and a cleaner electricity grid will not be able to significantly cut transportation-related CO2e emissions for many years to come, resulting in increased atmospheric concentrations that will linger for another 100-plus years

It might be possible for the manufacturers to make enough ZEVs, but it may not make any difference if the manufacturers can. The cost, the range anxiety, the charging time, fires, etc. have turned off the common man buying ZEVs so far.


Skeptics Need a Platform to Spread Their Science

Open Letter to Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Your leadership regarding Climate Change is very important.  Your members must weigh in on the nearly a half of trillion dollars of subsidies for the so-called renewable energy projects and directing legislation to stop the urge of the Democrats to rush headlong into unproven schemes to replace fossil fuels.

It looks like you are off to a good start.  Headline on blogs such as thisGOP-Led House Panels Shift Gears, Goes Full Throttle For Domestic Energy Production.”    

Your Email for contributions has a list of your objectives beyond just energy that are things I hope you can obtain though it will be uphill with the Senate and Executive in the hands of the Democrats.  I hope you can find ways to block the Biden Administration’s plans.

This letter is to focus on just one part of the House’s objectives and that is to counter the disinformation that the global warming alarmists have been spewing.  The way things work now are—-Media support the alarmist’s “experts” and they know that there will be no significant effort by skeptics to counter the alarmists. 

Now that you can control the Committee’s agenda, your members should standup to the global warming alarmists.  This will take some courage on everyone’s part because some members are afraid of the media.   Fox’s post titled “Politico Urges readers don’t believe the polls showing sinking levels of trust of media” One of Politico staff protested the results of the Gallup poll.  But the poll says: 

“The recent polling showed only 16% of Americans said they have a “great deal or quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers with only 11% of Americans having confidence in television. It represented a 5% decrease since 2021 and was also the lowest rating given towards newspapers since Gallup’s original poll back in 1973.

And there is no need not be afraid of the title “skeptic”.  Almost without exception skeptics believe that the globe is warming. 

The skeptics need a microphone that is so big it can work around the media. I think the House of Representatives can do this.

The House could have regular sessions of skeptical testimony. The House should rely on the skeptical experts, of which there are many, to counteract the alarmists. Don’t be afraid to allow the alarmists “experts” to testify, too.  The alarmists usually get beaten in debates with the skeptics. In fact they have a reluctance to debate.  Try getting Al Gore to debate any skeptical expert. No way, he always backs out. You will be doing this to help educate all of the Members of the House of Representatives.   Record all the sessions and publish them on YouTube.

Who are these skeptic experts? You can find them on The Clintel website that has posted “There is No Climate Emergency.”   

The site names 1010 experts listed by country. (The site needs to update the list as it has now grown to 1499 experts.)    

The Skeptical Daily post a summary regarding the skeptics on the lists and some notable quotes. They call the list of the skeptic experts a Declaration.

“The scale of the opposition to modern day ‘settled’ climate science is remarkable, given how difficult it is in academia to raise grants for any climate research that departs from the political orthodoxy.  A lead author of the declaration, Professor Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative “absurd”, but acknowledged that trillions of dollars and the relentless propaganda from grant-dependent academics and agenda-driven journalists currently says it is not absurd.

The Declaration is an event of enormous importance, although it will be ignored by the mainstream media. But it is not the first time distinguished scientists have petitioned for more realism in climate science. In Italy, the discoverer of nuclear anti-matter Emeritus Professor Antonino Zichichi recently led 48 local science professors in stating that human responsibility for climate change is “unjustifiably exaggerated and catastrophic predictions are not realistic”. In their scientific view, “natural variation explains a substantial part of global warming observed since 1850”. Professor Zichichi has signed the WCD.

The Declaration notes that the Earth’s climate has varied for as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm periods. “It is no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming,” it continues. Climate models have many shortcomings, it says, “and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools”. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, but ignore any beneficial effects. “CO2 is not a pollutant,” it says. “It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth; additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yield of crops worldwide.”

Last year, Steven Koonin, an Under-Secretary of Science in the Obama Administration, published a book titled Unsettled in which he noted that, “The science is insufficient to make useful projections about how the climate will change over the coming decades, much less what our actions will be.” He also noted that rigidly promulgating the idea that climate change is settled demeans and chills the scientific enterprise, “retarding its progress in these important matters”. In 2020, the long-time green activist Michael Shellenberger wrote a book called Apocalypse Never in which he said he believed the conversation about climate change and the environment had in the last few years “spiraled out of control”. Much of what people are told about the environment, including the climate, is wrong, he wrote.

These experts get printed in skeptic websites, but we need to widen the audience.

First and foremost the media, the alarmists and some educators have convinced the young that they may die soon.  This poisoning of our childrens minds must be stopped.

From a November 27, 2022 posting by EuroNews.GreenMore than two thirds of children between the ages of seven and twelve are worried about climate change, a new survey reveals.

The climate crisis can be overwhelming. (Click on that climate link.  See what the kids are being taught.)

Statistics often paint a dire picture of the earth’s trajectory. The UN has warned that existing climate pledges provide ‘no credible pathway’ to preventing temperatures from rising 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Deadly floods and fires are on the rise, while global wildlife populations have shrunk 70 per cent since 1970.

Presented with these facts, it’s easy to sink into eco-anxietyPrevious studies have proven that this distress is heightened in children and the new survey confirms this.”

Secondly, the public should know that the basis of the catastrophic climate change is the computer forecasted global temperatures. It goes, things get very hot, glaciers melt, sea level rises, cities are deluged with sea water, crops cannot survive, creatures cannot adapt to temperatures and huge extinctions occur, etc.

The following chart shows that the forecast temperatures by the alarmist are higher than the actual temperature readings and that the forecast temperatures become more ridiculous as time goes by.  These temperatures are the ones They use to forecast catastrophe.

All the squiggly lines are individual computer forecasts. The Red line is the average global warming temperatures predicted by the computers.  The lower Green straight line is the mean of the actual measured temperature for this same period.  Note that as the years go by, the computer forecast gets further away from the actual measured temperature. The actual temperatures noted in the chart are based upon weather balloons and satellite measurements.  The actual temperatures are rising but not at the rate that will cause a catastrophic outcome.  The computer produced temperature forecasts are used to brain wash our children.

Thirdly, faulty pillars of despair that climate change alarmist preach are debunked in the WattsUpWithThat January 19, 2023 posting titled A Critical Examination of the Six Pillars of Climate Change Despair:  From this posting:

“In 2023 it’s hard to avoid seeing images and headlines like these. The result for many is a deep seated fear[5], anxiety[6] [7], and pessimism[8] [9] about the future. The topic of Climate Change (CC) has seeped into nearly every facet of our lives, and never in a positive way. It’s always present as a dark cloud hanging over society; a source of guilt for those who indulge in some of life’s most basic pleasures, the basis of moralistic judgments by those who like to signal their concern, and the cause of nihilism[10] [11] and hopelessness[12] felt by many in the youngest generations.

    Why does CC have such deeply negative connotations and harmful effects on people’s mental well being? Because we are constantly reminded of the six dark and destructive consequences of CC:

      1) heat will cause millions to die or live in misery

      2) tens of millions (some say billions) will be forced to migrate

      3) a million or more species will become extinct in just a few decades

      4) sea level rise will have disastrous world-wide consequences

      5) agricultural production will be devastated, causing widespread famine

      6) humanity will suffer floods, droughts, and other terrible natural disasters

    These are the six pillars of climate change despair that activists and the media obsess over. The activists do it because they think they are saving the planet; the media do it because bad news gets more clicks than good news. Plus, they both do it to appear virtuous. They both keep ramping up the rhetoric so that with each passing year the predictions about each of these consequences become even more frightening and apocalyptic. There are some lesser concerns (eg. Arctic and glacier melting), but these six are the catastrophic ones.

    No wonder so many people are depressed and pessimistic about the future. It shouldn’t be surprising there’s an epidemic of “climate change anxiety”.

    But is it in any way justified?  What is the truth (if any) behind these catastrophic predictions? That’s what I want to examine here. The fact is, every one of these pillars is made of sand, and crumbles apart when subjected to the slightest critical scrutiny.

The author, Doug R Rogers, puts together a comprehensive essay.  Please read it to it end by clicking here.

The Fourth issue is the headlong race to decarbonize the world.  Renewables (mostly wind and solar) are believed to be the future energy sources, leaving fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) to be only available chemical feed stocks, for example. Combined with electric vehicles (EV) the globe will be free of carbon dioxide gas vented into the atmosphere they say.

The benefits accrued by fossil fuels are discounted in this rush to decarbonization. The benefits from vented CO2 are enormous.  The greening of the globe has been the result of the vented CO2.  Crops, such as wheat, oats, rice, potatoes, cane, etc. have skyrocketed in quantity feeding billions of new people. 

Renewables are not reliable.  What we know is that wind and solar are dependent on the weather.  No wind, no sun, no renewable produced electrical energy.  No where has a major grid sourced by solely wind and solar been demonstrated.  No plans have been made to prove a grid can actually run solely on wind and solar.  Grids have to be supplied  24/7 with NO interruptions. Yet we find that the politicians, urged on by the media, are willing to build more wind and solar capacity and prematurely shut down fossil fuels before they can prove that renewables can provide 24/7 with no interruptions.

The enormous upset that has occurred in western Europe would not have been so serious if renewable could have done the job.  For example, Germany has renewables with name plate capacity greater than the nation’s electrical needs.  But at times in September ‘22 the wind did not blow, and the sun shined only intermittently.  So no matter what their nameplate capacity was, wind and solar were producing little to no electricity. That happened and they stumbled through, saved by natural gas and coal based production of electricity.  

Obviously, there are many more issues than the several I have mentioned.  I picked them because the first one, traumatizing our children has to be stopped NOW.  The other three go right to the heart of the problem. The experts could line up excellent debates or testimonies at House Committee requests.

Expert testimony by skeptics has been ignored by the media.  So how can we get around that? 

Freelancers Wanted: Help Knock Out the Mainstream Propaganda Machine   authored by Matt Taibbi is a plan to create a team to produce a document that knocks out the mainstream Propaganda machine.   Perhaps supporters that could fund similar skeptical teams.  There must be NGOs that are skeptical in their view.  Find them, give them help with finance, programs and topics

Another interesting team is the Center of the American Experiment. The Center of the American Experiment is a Minnesota-based think tank that advocates for conservative and free-market principles.[5] One of their tasks has been to target the objectional courses that public schools in Minnesota are putting into their schooling.  The Center of the American Experiment has people and programs to show what is going on and how to change it. The group will speak to PTAs school boards or other interested groups. This group has been successfully getting schools to drop radical racial material.  This could be a model for another skeptical group to copy.


Work with the local TV stations.  They are often in need of topics to produce for their locality.  Hire people that know how to do communications.  Make sure that Federal Departments that award research money gives skeptics fair treatment. If they don’t, you can have your way with their funding.

I hope that some of the ideas are useful to you.

Good luck


Global Warming  Causes Snow and Drought. At The Same Time.  Or, So The Alarmists Say

This view looks north on Plumas Street, just north of Bridge Street in the heart of the Yuba City, California business district. The massive Northern California flood of 1955 remains the deadliest to hit the Yuba City and Marysville region. 38 were killed, 280 homes were destroyed and over 1500 were damaged. The Shanghai Bend on the west levee of the Feather River, about one mile south of Yuba City was breached around midnight on Christmas Eve, and a wall of water cascaded into Sutter County, which forced thousands of residence to evacuate their homes. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Air Force, 136th Engineer Aviation Brigade from Beale Air Force Base. Photo taken December 25, 1955. Courtesy photo U.S. Force 136th Engineer Aviation Brigade

The American Thinker site posted a blog “Too Wet? Too Dry? It’s All Climate Change”.  The author Brian Joondeph debunks the catastrophic global warming.  He begins with:

“Climate change, as defined by the United Nations: “Refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle.” That’s actually a good definition.”

“But not willing to leave well enough alone, the UN goes further, spoiling a simple and straightforward definition with: “But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.”

“It is amazing that before humans burned fossil fuels two centuries ago, it was only natural cycles that changed the climate, not backyard barbecues, gas stoves, and SUVs. Yet the UN does not explain how previous ice ages developed due to global cooling, followed by melting of mile-thick ice over the upper Midwest due to global warming, multiple times over the Earth’s history, long before there was any significant human activity.”

“Climate change” was first mentioned in 1975, but this was a time when climate scientists could not decide if temperatures were rising or falling, attributing sinister causes rather than natural and cyclic warming and cooling trends which have long preceded humans and their activities”.

“Since then, climate change has engulfed more than temperature, adding weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, droughts, and flooding. It seems that any deviation from a sunny day with temperatures in the mid ’70s with a light breeze is evidence of climate change and Republicans scheming to destroy the planet”

“The New York Times, in 2014, ran an opinion piece titled, “The end of snow?” predicting the demise of winter sports and the Winter Olympics due to global warming. Eight years later in 2022, the New York Times told us, “How climate change can supercharge snowstorms.”. Or also in 2022 how, “The deadly freeze that swept the United States was extraordinary, but while scientists know that global warming can intensify extreme weather, the effects on winter storm are tricky to untangle.”

“Tricky indeed. Climate change causes both not enough and too much snow. How does that work?  But it’s not only snow but water, both not enough and too much, all due to omnipotent climate change.”

From there he examines the droughts in California.  He cites the California Department of Water Resources relating the droughts are frequent. They also say floods are frequent too.

“Again, floods are normal and expected. They are nothing new. Here are photos of floods going back 150 years. “

Click on the “photos” in the previous sentence.

Read the entire blog by clicking here.

cbdakota  .

UK Paying An All-Time High of  2,586 Pounds For A Megawatt-Hour

I know that my recent blogs have been centered around Europe’s predicament because of their dependence on wind and solar renewable energy. The blogs may have become boring, but when evidence shows clearly how misguided the Europeans are about renewable energy I just have to pour it on.   The UK newspaper the Guardian, is an unending source of Alarmist propaganda.  Interestingly they just headlined the sky-high price of a Megawatt-hour of electricity.  Here is what the Guardian is reporting:

UK power prices hit record high amid cold snap and lack of wind power

UK power prices have hit record levels as an icy cold snap and a fall in supplies of electricity generated by wind power have combined to push up wholesale costs.

The day-ahead price for power for delivery on Monday reached a record £675 a megawatt-hour on the Epex Spot SE exchange. The price for power at 5-6pm, typically around the time of peak power demand each day, passed an all-time high of £2,586 a megawatt-hour.

The grid that supplies my power here in the USA, uses mostly fossil fuels and nuclear power sources for our electricity.  I just looked at the price from the Electricity Map app and it is $50 a megawatt-hour.

Snow and ice have caused disruption as the cold weather looks set to continue into this week, with snow forecast for parts of east and south-east England, as well as Scotland.

The cold snap, which is expected to last for at least a week, comes as wind speeds reduced sharply, hitting power suppliers.

Live data from the National Grid’s Electricity System Operator showed that wind power was providing just 3% of Great Britain’s electricity generation on Sunday. Gas-fired power stations provided 59%, while nuclear power and electricity imports both accounted for about 15%.

Now comes the Guardian’s cavate it must use when it seems to post data that contradicts the Alarmist’s narrative.

There can be no more hiding, and no more denying. Global heating is supercharging extreme weather at an astonishing speed. Guardian analysis recently revealed how human-caused climate breakdown is accelerating the toll of extreme weather across the planet. People across the world are losing their lives and livelihoods due to more deadly and more frequent heatwaves, floods, wildfires and droughts triggered by the climate crisis.

So how can one discuss these issues with Alarmists when global warming causes everything.  Cold and Hot, drought and rain, snow and no snow, etc.

What they have done is to demonize frequent weather patterns by telling us that it has never been like this before. And of course, they know exactly what the perfect climate is. 


Snow Fall Extent in the Northern Hemisphere is the Highest in 56 Years

The severe weather forecast Europe says we are likely to have a cold early winter.  The blog authored by Renato R Colucci, makes these forecasts: (click to enlarge charts)


“Snow Extent in the Northern Hemisphere now Among the Highest in 56 years Increases the Likelihood of Cold Early Winter Forecast both in North America and Europe.”

“Snow extent in the Northern Hemisphere at the end of November represents an important parameter for the early winter forecast. This year snow extent is running much higher than average and according to existing global estimates, it is now beyond the highest ever observed so far. Winter forecast, especially in its early phase and in Europe, might be strongly influenced by such a large snow extent, although many other factors need attention.”  (My emphasis on sentence,)

The posting also shows that fall snow extent is increasing lately. The following charts show the trend.

Real data is again conflicting with the Alarmists forecasts of an apocalypse.

Anyone want to bet if some “scientist” will try to show that this is due to global warming,

The blog can be read in its entirely by clicking here.


Illegitimate Use of Forecasts —Part 3 Spreading Fear

The catastrophic global warmers, often known as the alarmists, have created several forecasts of how much carbon dioxide (CO2) will reside in the atmosphere to the year 2100.  The different forecasts range from massive amounts to lower than today’s 420 ppm.  As discussed in my previous blog, “Climate Warming has been cut in half over the past 5 years”- Part 2 Former Numbers were implausible.  the scientific community is split by those that believe the massive amounts of CO2 are unlikely to ever exist and those using the massive amount to terrify youths (and gullible) adults. The mainstream media is primary the conveyer of these scare tactics.

A recent paper published by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) titled “Catastrophic climate risks should be neither understated nor overstated” has this to say:

Climate catastrophism may be contributing to the youth mental health crisis. In a recent international youth survey, 45% reported thoughts of climate change negatively affecting their daily lives and functioning, and 40% reported being hesitant to have children (10).

In summary, a wide range of climate scenarios should be explored, but, with implausible catastrophic scenarios already a major focus of scientific research, calls for a greater emphasis in this direction risk crowding out a needed focus on more plausible futures.

And from The Colorado Springs Gazette article, titled “Boulder scientists warn of ‘climate change catastrophism,’”

A 2020 survey by the American Psychological Association supports their concern. “Nearly half of those age 18-34 (47%) say the stress they feel about climate change affects their daily lives,” said Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, the Psychological Association’s chief executive officer.

Just to magnify the illegitimate use of forecasts to spread these despicable ideas of the world to come to an end soon is shown in the following chart.

Click on chart to enlarge. Chart courtesy of PNSA

The box on the right portrays the CO2 in the atmosphere forecasts made by groups within the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Y axis charts the CO2 emissions in the outgoing years where the top line is the massive CO2 prediction that will produce very high global warming temperature forecasts. The line just below is the most probable forecast which is a mix of renewables and fossil fuels. The others are fantasy IMHO.

The box on the left’s Y axis show the percent of forecasts made using the various CO2 emissions paths.  The X axis is the forecasts during the IPCC Assessment Report (AR5) in 2014 and the IPCC AR 6 in 2022. The bars show the use of the different CO2 forecasts to make their predictions.   It is apparent that the Alarmists felt that they need to do more frightening by the fact that more predictions using the massive CO2 atmosphere prediction than they did in 2014.  The forecast using the line I said was the mix of renewables and fossil fuel was nearly non-existent.  The massive CO2 was used more than any of the remaining lines that essentially forecasting fossil fuel use going to zero. 


“Climate Warming has been cut in half over the past 5 years”- Part 2 Former Numbers were implausible.

Judith Curry is an eminent scientist and a skeptic. Most of the discussion in this posting, comes from her blog Climate, ETC., titled: “The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be”.

Growing realization by the climate establishment that the threat of future warming has been cut in half over the past 5 years.

Summary:  The climate “catastrophe” isn’t what it used to be. Circa 2013 with publication of the IPCC AR5* Report, RCP8.5 was regarded as the business-as-usual emissions scenario, with expected warming of 4 to 5 oC by 2100. Now there is growing acceptance that RCP8.5 is implausible, and RCP4.5 is arguably the current business-as-usual emissions scenario. Only a few years ago, an emissions trajectory that followed RCP4.5 with 2 to 3 oC warming was regarded as climate policy success. As limiting warming to 2 oC seems to be in reach (now deemed to be the “threshold of catastrophe”),[i] the goal posts were moved in 2018 to reduce the warming target to 1.5 oC. Climate catastrophe rhetoric now seems linked to extreme weather events, most of which are difficult to identify any role for human-caused climate change in increasing either their intensity or frequency.

The main stream media is currently awash with articles from prominent journalists on how the global warming threat less than we thought.  Here are some prominent articles:

  At the heart of this good news is abandonment of RCP8.5 from UNFCCC policy making. The hero of science behind this abandonment is Justin Ritchie, a recent Ph.D. graduate (whose work has been cited.

The COP26 and now the COP27 have quietly dropped RCP8.5 (and SSP5-8.5) from their considerations, focusing on the envelope between RCP4.5 and RCP2.6.  The grand poohbahs of the IPCC apparently didn’t see this coming (or preferred to keep spinning the alarm), since they instructed climate modelers for CMIP6 to continue a focus on SSP5-8.5, and climate researchers continue to focus on this scenario in their impacts publications.  The IPCC AR6 prominently featured SSP5-8.5, although WGI did make this lukewarm statement

The second so-called scientific advance is lower values of climate sensitivity.  The so-called advance is associated with the IPCC AR6 decision NOT to include values derived from climate models (which have dominated previous IPCC reports). They implicitly acknowledge that climate models are running too hot and that you can pretty much get whatever value of climate sensitivity that you want from a climate model (this has been blindingly obvious to me and many others for over a decade).  The IPCC AR6 lowered the upper likely bound of ECS to 4.0oC (from 4.5oC previously); this further acts to reduce the amount of projected warming.  The IPCC AR6 also raised the lower likely bound of ECS to 2.5oC (from 1.5oC).  Raising the lower bound of ECS is on very shaky ground, as per the recent publication by Nic Lewis 

The COP27 is working from a value of expected warming of 2.5oC by 2100.  This is arguably still too high for several reasons.  IPCC expert judgment dismissed values of climate sensitivity that are on the lower end (that should not have been dismissed as per Nic Lewis’ paper). Further, the IPCC projections do not adequately account for scenarios of future natural climate variability.  See these recent posts:

In addition to an insufficient number of solar and volcanic scenarios, the climate models ignore most solar indirect effects, and the climate model treatment of multidecadal and longer internal variability associated with ocean circulations are inadequate.  While in principle these factors could go either way in terms of warmer vs cooler, there are several reasons to think these natural factors are skewed towards cooler during the remainder of the 21st century:

  • Baseline volcanic activity since 1850 has been unusually low
  • Most solar researchers expect some sort of solar minimum in the mid to late 21st century
  • Solar indirect effects are inadequately treated by climate models, which would act to amplify solar cooling
  • A shift to the cold phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation is expected in the next decade, which influences not only global temperatures but also Greenland mass balance and Arctic sea ice.

Once you include alternative scenarios of natural variability, temperature change by 2100 could easily be below 2oC and even 1.5oC.  Recall that this warming is with reference to a baseline of 1850-1900; 1.1oC warming has already occurred.

*AR stands for Assessment Report. These are based upon the content in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) full reports, assembled by working groups.   AR6 is the most recent report. The reputation of the ARs is in dispute. The full report, the 6th, is condensed to an AR6.  The dispute is that many nonscientific personnel, such as delegates from industry, NGOs, etc. can force change that make the AR inconsistent with the full report.


Challenging the Alarmist’s Climate Crisis. —- Part 1 Background

The alarmist’s climate crisis is encountering some serious headwinds.  Not just from we skeptics but also from the ranks of the man-made global warming adherents. This posting will be to set the table for the subsequent postings that will illustrate the headwinds.   Another posting that will illustrate the profound damage that the crisis crowd are doing to the young people will also be posted.   

I posted in April 2021 how the alarmist’s computer forecasts were biased. Two concepts are the primary tools that the computer operators use to make predictions of future temperatures.  One is the representative concentration pathway (RCP) and the other is the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)


Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) is an estimate of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at any given time.

The chart below shows the range of RCPs the computer programmer can use. The chart has RCPs portraying the forecasted amount of accumulated CO2 in the atmosphere out to the year 2100.  The chart has a bit of dialog as well.  More on this will appear in the upcoming posting on this topic.


Theory is that temperature will rise approximately 1C due to a doubling of atmospheric CO2. Further, the CO2 induced increase in temperature will result in creating water vapor.  Water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas. That and some other minor changes in atmospheric gases will result in an additional rise of 2C.   Thus, CO2 doubling does not just create 1C rise but rather a 3C rise.   

ECS is controversial.   There are those that do not believe in the CO2 effect at all.  They may not appreciate this postings discussion of ECS and RCP, but the posting is addressing what the Alarmist believe. Most buy into the concept but conclude that the effect is much less than a 3C rise,  

This is how the ECS theory works. Surface warming due to doubling of the atmospheric CO2.  Going from the nominal 400ppm atmospheric CO2 to 800ppm would result in 3C rise. But other test data says it is less.

                                           Jonova chart

The computer programmer puts in the RCP and the ECS.  He can get whatever temperature forecast he wants. 
