Monthly Archives: May 2024

Stop Energy Transitioning and Direct The Effort To Erase Enemy Attacks

 The Grids must be a functioning machines to support the lives, economy and freedom of the people of the United States.   The Grids distribute electrical energy to sub stations that lower the voltage for distribution to families, businesses, industry, hospitals, etc.  If the functionality of the grids, and substations is destroyed, the loss of electricity would make anything you can think of as bad, to be child’s play compared to loss of the Grid.  Our nation runs on electricity.  And if it is no longer available, food would run out in the stores because the trucking of food to the stores, would soon be impossible as gasoline and diesel fuel of run out.  You would lose the water supply to your home. The heating source would disappear. No jobs, no telephones and as soon as your batteries are discharged, no more functioning cell phones.                    

Practical Engineering described it thus:

Electricity is not just a luxury. It is a necessity of modern life. Even ignoring our own direct use of it, almost everything we depend on in our daily lives, and indeed the orderly conduct of a civil society, is undergirded by a functioning electrical grid.

Energy Transition says:” After two weeks without power, civilization collapses.

If you have food, you may be visited by a lot of people.  Some may be determined to take all of your food.

  Off The Grid News reports:

“Direct terrorist attacks against the power grid.

It wouldn’t take anything as sophisticated as cyber-warfare or an EMP to take down the grid. In 2014, an attack was conducted on a power substation in San Jose, California. However, while the perpetrators were never caught, many think this was a practice run for a direct terrorist attack.

In fact, taking out as few as nine critical substations in the country could destroy the entire grid, according to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) report. While the locations of those particular substations are a tightly held secret, our enemies certainly are trying to learn where they are.”

CNN reports that:

“China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if or when China decides the time has come to strike,” Wray told the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.

The Chinese hackers are working “to find and prepare to destroy or degrade the civilian critical infrastructure that keeps us safe and prosperous,” Wray said. “And let’s be clear: Cyber threats to our critical infrastructure represent real world threats to our physical safety.”

From CNN:
“Cyberattacks are hitting water and wastewater systems “throughout the United States” and state governments and water facilities must improve their defenses against the threat, the White House and Environmental Protection Agency warned US governors on Tuesday.”

“In November, hackers breached industrial equipment at multiple US water facilities to display an anti-Israel message on the equipment, according to US officials. The Biden administration blamed the Iranian government for the hacks.

Chinese state-backed hackers have also infiltrated US water facilities, according to US officials. It’s a hacking campaign that the Biden administration worries Beijing could use to disrupt critical infrastructure in the event of a conflict with the US. China denies the allegations.

So what do you think of this.   From Fox News:   “The FBI and Department of Defense have reportedly tracked more than 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to attempt to breach U.S. military bases and other federal sites. 

Those responsible, dubbed “gate crashers,” range from Chinese nationals detected crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico, to scuba divers caught swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket launch site in Florida, several U.S. officials recently told The Wall Street Journal. The growing trend represents a potential espionage threat, as authorities believe the Chinese government in some cases is compelling nationals into service in order to test out and report back about security practices at the installations.” 

It does not appear that any jailing or any outrage are coming from the current breaching.  If an American violated the military bases in China, Russia, North Korea, etc. my bet is that that person would be in jail and facing chargers of spying.  The US authorities are as lax as the judicial organizations in Los Angeles is for petty theft.

Perhaps there are many more cases of espionage that we do not know about.  Considering the influx of Chinese I suspect there are more.

New York Post tells us: “Chinese migration to the US continues at a record pace, with 30,000 arrested for illegally crossing the border nationwide since October.

That number surpasses the 24,000 Chinese migrants encountered during the whole of fiscal year 2023, according to Border Patrol data leaked to The Post.

There has been an explosion in immigration from China during the Biden administration.

In the whole of fiscal year 2021 — which runs from October 1 to September 30 — just 342 Chinese migrants were encountered at the border.”

It has been suggested that many Islamic soldier types have been moving into the US.  They may be at strength. 

May be the Second Amendments US militias will have to form up and defend us from the invaders.  The National Guard may need help.

It just doesn’t end with foot soldiers. 

Fox News reports:

“China reportedly secured a secret billion-dollar deal with Cuba to build a listening station targeting the U.S. on the island nation less than 100 miles off the American mainland. 

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that China and Cuba have reached a secret agreement for China to establish an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island, allowing Chinese intelligence services to “scoop up electronic communications throughout the southeastern U.S., where many military bases are located, and monitor U.S. ship traffic.” 

Your life and your families lives are hanging in the balance.   These people are our enemies.  The US Energy transition is a developing  train wreck.  

Stop energy transition and work on the real threats that are becoming so obvious.   Enemy armies and the hackers of our infrastructure.  Use the money that we are wasting for energy transitioning and redirect it into erasing the enemy’s attack on our nation.     


Natural Causes For Weather Changes

I post “Essay # 1 – Solar & Planetary Tidal Pumping – The Real Cause for Changes in Weather (Original Issue Dec. 18, 2023, Revised May 23, 2024 – Richard Cronin)” because I believe he has made interesting concepts regarding natural forces and weather.

An invisible force permeates the Universe. You don’t even think about it. Gravity and the ever-changing distances between major celestial bodies and Earth, causing Tidal Pumping which drives tectonics, volcanism, and changes to weather and climate.

It is very well known that Jupiter’s massive gravity field heats the moons Io, Ganymede, and Europa to drive extensive volcanism as they proceed through their elliptical orbits. Io is the most volcanic celestial body in the solar system. In fact, per recent NASA observations, these moons pump one another. This phenomenon is called Tidal Pumping or Tidal Heating. The Earth is affected in just such a manner by all major celestial bodies from the Sun out to Jupiter (Kent & Olsen, 2018).

Observe the animation of our Solar System with the gravity fields of the Sun and major planets flinging the Earth around in a helical or corkscrewing action. Neither Newton, Kepler, nor Einstein had any awareness of this motion and how it imposes stresses on the Earth’s crust, opening up Earth’s tectonic plates to spill immeasurable seismic heat into the South Pacific. This is the source of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).  See video, Key word search: Helical Solar System.

).  See video, Key word search: Helical Solar System.

Gravitational effects within the Solar System drive Tidal Pumping for the short term El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Orbiting the Milky Way and passing close to other massive stellar systems drives much greater Tidal Pumping effects and Ice Ages.

Completely unappreciated in the energy balance of the Earth and gravitational force are at least five (5) phenomena. Perhaps just as important is that these effects are not uniformly distributed. There are about 40 to 50 “hot spots” globally. Hawaii, Iceland, Samoa, Yellowstone, Campi Flegrei (Naples), the Gulf of Guinea off Africa, and the Gulf of Maine. Due to the El Niño initiated in 2023 the Gulf Stream and the Gulf of Maine were quite warm and had the adherents of Anthropogenic Climate Change alarmed. In past epochs the Gulf of Maine was quite volcanic, like Yellowstone. In fact, Hawaii and Iceland “co-pulsate”. (Mjelde, Faleide 2009)

The variances in gravitational forces from the Sun and even out to Jupiter exert Tidal Pumping forces on Earth’s crust, which is quite thin and fragile, thus spilling seismic heat into the South Pacific and drive the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Jupiter and Venus exaggerate the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit on a 405,000 year cycle (Kent, Olsen, et al 2018 Rutgers). Think of squeezing and re-squeezing a hard rubber ball and it heats up. This is what stirs seismic activity. The interior of the planet is not rigid and  unyielding. It is ductile and elastic with large reservoirs molten silicates and carbonates in the Upper Mantle as well as the molten Iron/Nickel Outer Core. The molten carbonates decompose by sulfur-based acids percolating up from the Lower Mantle. From penetrating radar observations it has been identified that lying 350 km below Yellowstone is a reservoir of molten carbonates measuring 25 km to 70 km thick and covers the area of Mexico. Researchers from the University of London estimate that if just 1 % of this reservoir were to decompose, it would be equivalent to burning 2.3 million barrels of oil.  The EPA now estimates that the Upper Mantle contains 100 trillion million metric tons of carbon in the Upper Mantle locked in carbonate minerals, which is decomposing under acidic attack. Moreover, it is now known that the core of the planet is not solid. It is the consistency of mushy butter, comprised of “superionic Iron” in constant motion. This is the real source of the Earth’s magnetic field (Butler & Tsuboi, 2021 / Sun & Kim, 2022 / He & Lin, 2023)

As the Solar System orbits the Milky Way, the Earth is flung about between the Sun and Jupiter the tail of a kite. The Earth is like a strip of cloth tied onto the tail. Tremendous stresses on Earth’s crust. Neither Newton, Kepler, nor Einstein were aware of this phenomenon.

The Sun’s gravity field pumps the Earth as we proceed through the Northern Hemisphere’s Winter Solstice (the Southern Hemisphere swings closest to the Sun) and, two weeks later, the Perihelion (the Earth’s closest approach to the Sun). These combined events rip and tear open the Trenches of the Ring of Fire to inject quantities immeasurable quantities of seismic heat into the waters of the South Pacific to drive the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The key stress points are the two terminal points of the Ring of Fire, the Tonga Trench. In addition to the Tonga Trench, the New Hebrides Trench and New Britain Trench drive the La Niña and the Peru/Chile trench drives the El Niño.

The line of latitude of the deepest point of the Tonga Trench, the Horizon Deep, lies at 23.3 degrees South latitude. The deepest point of the Peru/Chile Trench, the Richards Deep, lies at approx. 23.2 degrees South latitude. Earth’s current Obliquity, the angle of inclination is about 23.4 degrees. The Osbourne Trough associated with the Tonga Trench lies at 25.5 degrees South latitude This is nominally the line of maximum, maximum Tidal Pumping stresses across the South Pacific.

From 1989 to 2018, the pattern of Richter 5+ earthquakes has migrated from the New Hebrides Trench towards the Tonga Trench and from the Central American Trench towards the Peru-Chile Trench. (Chen & Tang, 2022).

Focus on Mid-Oceanic Ridge (MOR) systems is inappropriate. Seismic heat injection from plate fractures and hydrothermal vents along ridge systems or on the abyssal plain is readily diluted and the heat is dissipated. Arising from the trenches the column of warm waters remains relatively intact and is carried east to west as it approaches the surface. There is a subsurface plume effect. This is observed in the elevated sea surface temperatures, with the Torres Strait and Bismarck Sea show the greatest warming. See records of maximum sea surface temperatures in these regions, Sept. 2022.

As opposed to Mid-Oceanic Ridge systems, Trench systems cutting through continental shelves are particularly noteworthy. The continental shelves were the beaches formed during the Ice Ages. They are nearly a uniform 140 meters below current sea level, relatively shallow. The Peru-Chile Trench cuts through the continental shelf of South America at depth of 145 meters below current sea level.

The onset of the El Niño is signaled by a cold water upwelling along the coast of Peru and Chile. This is due the melting of methane clathrates beneath the ocean floor from the opening of the Peru/Chile Trench (J. Kamis – “Plate Climatology”). Frozen methane clathrates exist between 100 to 1000 meters below the ocean floor. This cold upwelling brings up deep water fish from the Humboldt Current. Due to the east-to-west plume effect, the surface waters of the central Pacific warm first, then spread eastward as the clathrate melting diminishes.

In 2021/2022, the Winter Solstice was DE. 21,2021. The Perihelion was Jan.4 2022.

On Jan. 15, 2022 the Tidal Pumping stresses which had accumulated over a rather lengthy La Niña ripped loose in the Tonga Trench in the southwest Pacific. The largest submarine volcano ever observed spewed an estimated 50 to 150 million tons of water vapor into the atmosphere. The Pacific continued to warm throughout 2022, aided by Jupiter’s closest approach to the Earth in 59 years which occurred on Sept. 26, 2022.  A giant hand turned up the steam vaporizer to the maximum setting so 2023 was deemed to be the “Hottest Year on Record”.

With the stresses relieved in the southwest Pacific, the Tidal Pumping stresses shifted to the Eastern Pacific, opening up the Peru/Chile Trench and other seismically active regions off South America to drive the 2023 El Niño. Typical of an El Niño there were no hurricane landfalls on the U.S. East Coast in 2023 tropical storms were steered out into the North Atlantic, although Tropical Storm Ophelia flooded New York City in Sept. 2023. That moisture still affects us as we proceeded into early 2024, with ample rain and mudslides in California, record snows at ski resorts around the world during the winter of 2023/2024and a cool rainy spring in Delaware.

It is bewildering how Svente Arrhenius (1896), Gilbert Plass (1956), and continuing through today’s pseudo-scientists have ignored or misunderstood water in their analyses, especially phase change and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  Doesn’t anybody understand the cooling effects of the water cycle ? Arrhenius held the global absolute humidity at a fixed 10 grams per cubic meter. Plass entirely ignored the radiative effects Long Wave Infrared Radiation (LWIR) from cloud tops due to phase change. Condensation to rain and freezing to snow. The Earth’s surface temperature is controlled by low clouds (Kauppinen & Malmi, 2019). The Earth is the Water Planet. If you heat up on the planet’s surface, for whatever reason, you evaporate more water to provide more cooling via the water cycle. Such is the case of the 50 to 150 million tons of water vapor spewed out of the largest submarine volcano ever observed in the Tonga Trench on January 15, 2022. The steam reached the stratosphere. These waters continued to warm through 2022, aided by Jupiter’s closest approach to Earth in 59 years on Sept, 26, 2022  followed by precipitation and cooling in the winter of 2023/2024

An entirely separate discussion is necessary regarding the heat producing (exothermic) geochemical reactions inside the planet which are entirely ignored in the current heat balance of the Earth. Logically, Tidal Pumping should impart mixing for multiple exothermic geochemical reactions, such as decomposition of carbonates, serpenization to generate Hydrogen, plus Fischer-Tropsh and Sabatier reactions to generate hydrocarbons. There are really only two (2) “fossil fuels” – lignite coal produced from peat bogs and wetlands plus Kerogens produced by algae and phytoplankton wedged into shales. Indeed, the internal heat of the Earth resolves the Faint Young Sun Paradox, wherein photosynthetic life emerged approx. 3.5 billion years ago when the Earth should have been frozen solid, with no liquid water on the surface. At that time, the Sun was only 70 % of its current luminosity.

Further reading: “The Chthonian Planet – Why Life Exists on Earth (Human Activity in No Way Affects the Weather nor Climate – Issue Date March 17, 2023)”
Key word search: Chthonian Planet Cronin SSRN

Richard F. Cronin, BChE, MBA, P.E. (retired), 30 years E.I. DuPont de Nemours





